10 Ways To Treat Yourself While Losing Weight
Credit: YakobchukOlena from Getty Images
If there’s one thing we all need to show ourselves in abundance these days it’s grace. Making room for our fears, anxiety, our understandable grief — and not beating ourselves up. Yes, grace is good. And who doesn’t want to feel good? But be aware of what you’re turning to in order to feel good. Because often what we turn to is food.
Many of us use food as a special treat. We also rely on food to celebrate or lift our mood, and we can often trace this habit back to childhood when good grades earned you a trip to the ice cream parlor or a dollar or two, which you promptly used to buy a treat to eat.
The first step to making a change is to become more aware of that food-mood link. So how can you disconnect food from your sense of reward and satisfaction?
In my latest article for the Sisters AARP newsletter, “10 Ways to Treat Yourself While Losing Weight”, I help you find fun options beyond food to look forward to when you want to treat yourself and find ways to reward all your senses, not just taste. Click to read the full article here.